Category Archives: Place to Hike

Camping Escapes Near Kuala Lumpur

Camping Escapes Near Kuala Lumpur I. Introduction As pressures build up in Kuala Lumpur’s fast-paced

Top 5 Camping Spots in Penang

Top 5 Camping Spots in Penang Penang is known as the “Pearl of the Orient”

适合初学者的 5 条风景优美的远足路径

适合初学者的 5 条风景优美的远足路径 郁郁葱葱的热带雨林、令人震撼的海岸悬崖、热带植物绽放的花园 – 槟榔屿的每个角落都蕴藏着自然美景。初学徒步旅行的人仍可沿着简单的初级路径欣赏这些生机勃勃的风景。无需专业导航知识或技术装备。

雪兰莪 5 条初学者必爱的徒步旅行路线

雪兰莪 5 条初学者必爱的徒步旅行路线 当生机勃勃的雨林和山丘在附近招手时,闷在室内的周末很快就失去了吸引力。对肌肉酸痛或迷路感到厌倦的徒步旅行初学者仍然可以在新手友好型路径上安全地满足他们的户外需求。

徒步 Kota Kinabalu 必须携带的 8 件物品

徒步 Kota Kinabalu 必须携带的 8 件物品 Kota Kinabalu 海拔 4095 米,高耸入云,是马来西亚最高的山峰,也是该地区首屈一指的徒步挑战之一。虽然登顶 Kota Kinabalu 不需要任何登山技术,但攀登这座花岗岩山峰仍然是一项艰巨的探险,需要做好充分的准备。

Top 5 Family Camping Campsites in Selangor for Fun Outdoor Bonding

Top 5 Family Camping Campsites in Selangor for Fun Outdoor Bonding Family camping brings people of

4 Family Camping Campsites In Perak Your Family Will Love

4 Family Camping Campsites In Perak Your Family Will Love Family camping adventures create magical moments

Top 5 Gopeng Campsites You Should Visit At Least Once

Top 5 Gopeng Campsites You Should Visit At Least Once Nestled amidst lush rainforests and

5 Scenic Hiking Trails in Penang For Beginners

5 Scenic Hiking Trails in Penang For Beginners Lush rainforest, striking coastal cliffs, gardens exploding

5 Scenic Hiking Trails in Selangor Beginners Will Love

5 Scenic Hiking Trails in Selangor Beginners Will Love Weekends stuck indoors lose their appeal

8 Things You Must Bring To Hike Mount Kinabalu

8 Things You Must Bring To Hike Mount Kinabalu Rising 4,095 meters into mist-veiled skies,

Wang Gunung, Perlis Indera Kayangan


Mendaki Bukit Kutu | Guide Lengkap Untuk Para Hikers – Updated 2022

Guide Mendaki Bukit Kutu, Kuala Kubu Baru Nama: Bukit Kutu Lokasi: Kuala Kubu Baru, Selangor


Maliau Basin | 2023 Hikers Guide To The Lost World Of Sabah

Overview of Maliau Basin Maliau Basin, also famously known as the lost world of Sabah,


5 Amazing Places to Hike in Sarawak

5 Amazing Places to Hike in Sarawak Ah, Sarawak. Probably the only state in Malaysia

Best 7 Hiking Trails in Sabah Any Hiking Junkie Would Enjoy

Are you from Sabah? Cuz I tak Sabah want to see you! While the pickup

Top 3 Hiking Spots to Dominate in Penang

While Penang is more well known for its food, beaches and perhaps its drivers, there’s