Accommodations can be a big part of your travel budget and it’s something that you can’t ignore. Of course, we are not suggesting that you sleep under the bridge or beside the walkway. That would be traumatising. But our team has come up with a list of alternatives that you can consider the next time you are budgeting that trip of yours, which will not burn a hole in your pocket!
1. Guest Houses
What better alternative for a hotel than a guest house? A guesthouse provides a simple, affordable room minus the perks and service that you most probably don’t need in a hotel. You still get a decent-sized room with a lounge to chill at most of the time, privacy in your room and even a hot shower! Some guest houses would even provide breakfast for you. Not only that, the best part about being in guesthouses is the people. There are so many like-minded individuals like yourself and are always highly approachable. Beats a luxury hotel lobby with people minding their own business any day if you ask me.
Estimated Price: Starts from $6
Suggestions: Agoda,

2. Short-Term Rental
This is not a new concept among seasoned travelers. People with a spare room in their house or in fact, some with an empty house, would rent it out on a short-term basis for travelers. Some property comes fully furnished and could cost you less than the price of a budget hotel! The best part about short-term rental accommodations is the homeliness feeling that you will get. Sometimes during your travel when you are missing the feeling of being home, this is what you should definitely opt for.
Estimated Price: Starts from $5
Suggestions: AirBnB, FlipKey

3. Backpacker Hostels
This is one of the most common choices for solo travelers who are looking for budget accommodations. Rooms are usually shared with up to 8 or 10 bunk beds per room. The bathroom would be shared as well but most operators would keep the cleanliness level on par. There are some backpacker hostels that offer female-only dorms as well, which is a privilege given to female travelers out there. Usually, personal lockers will be provided. Like budget hostels, this is a perfect platform for travelers to interact with like-minded individuals during their travels. You might never know who you will be meeting.
Estimated Price: Starts from $4
Suggestions: Hostelworld, Hostelbookers

4. Work/Volunteer Exchange
Do you know that you can actually work for your accommodation? Nope, we’re not joking. There are many places or people out there that need volunteers to spend their time and effort in exchange for accommodations! If you have skills and expertise that matches their criteria, they will have no problem providing you with a place to stay and sometimes even your food. Work exchange is a very rewarding experience as it teaches you a new skill, provides you with an up-close and personal cultural experience, gets you new friends in a foreign country and earns you a badge of honour for doing something good!
Estimated Price: $0
Suggestions: Workaway, WWOOF, HelpX

5. House Sitting
Would you be surprised to find out that there are homeowners who are in need of people to take care of their accommodation while they are away on vacation or work? Well, there are! And you might be just the person that they are looking for! In exchange for accommodation, some homeowners would need you to run simple errands such as keeping the house clean, feeding the pets, watering the plants and plain just switching on the lights when night falls. During the times when you are not surrounded by chores, travel nearby! This is one of the best ways to travel and you don’t have to pay anything for your accommodation!
Estimated Price: $0
Suggestions: Mindmyhouse, Housecarers, Trustedhousesitters

6. Couch Surfing
Definitely not a new term among seasoned travelers. A very large community around the world is now offering their homes and apartments to travelers for absolutely free! It could be a spare bedroom or a simple couch in the living room, but it’s enough for a traveler to get a good night’s rest in a safe and comfortable environment. A lot of travelers have tried this and would highly recommend couch surfing as well. If you are wondering why someone would offer you their place for free, well, there are people who want to meet new people, learn about other cultures and hear their adventure stories on the road. So if you are couch surfing and crashing at someone’s crib, be friendly! They are giving you a piece of their private space for free!
Estimated Price: $0
Suggestion: HospitalityClub, Warmshowers, CouchSurfing

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I love to travel with my hubby . ..tq
I hope you two have as much fun as possible during your travels! Thank you for reading our post!
– Mike